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Being kind to animals doesn´t cost a thing - or does it? 

Does answering your calling by running a small charity organization require a little calculativeness? Do things work out well without that much thinking about stuff like branding and marketing? Oh, that belongs to business owners, not charity organizations. Or DOES IT? Sometimes when focusing on doing the right thing, you might miss something that is important. You might not realize it, but there is a whole bunch of audience full of people willing to help just waiting for you to show up. They know nothing about your charity work because you don´t put yourself out there and that is a shame.

I can write content for you your animal shelter´s Social Media accounts and share moving stories that will make people realize what an amazing job you do. I can refresh your website with interesting content and relevant information. I can help you arrange trendy events online and send invitations to the right audience. You know, doing charity work can be a lot of work and it alone takes time and energy, sometimes more than one can handle. It just might be a good idea to let someone else take care of the rest. When you give them the right amount of touching stories that will make them cry and then ease their pain with a bunch of happy animals kind of thing, you know, humorous vibes and stuff, that will people donate and your budget grow. Same goes with every small charity work organization. I don´t want to sound cynical here, but sometimes even doing good is a game. A game, where you either win, or you lose. All depends on your strategy. Helping others requires resources. That includes support from other people in it´s different forms. That is achieved by getting their attention and making them have your back. And before I am starting to sound like Wendy Byrde from Ozark, let´s just keep in mind that I am a vegan with five rescue pets. I know from personal experience that having five mouths to feed is not a joke. Same goes with you.

For those of you who are one way or another related to vegan stuff

If your Business has something to do with plant-based...

...You get a -25 % discount plus free consulting. Speaking about plant-based, if you love vegan food like me and want to let the world know that and follow your example, I´m more than willing to support you on you journey. These days, anyone can become an expert online. It´s only a matter of branding.

I can make your gluten-free ketogenic vegan diet blog shine or your smoothie recipe ebook seem professional. Or maybe that social media account on vegan fitness stuff needs some fixing. Let´s make your online persona trendy as hell (or nerdy or whatever suits you and your purpose).

Let´s brand you as a living example of a person who changed their life with that eco-atkins diet and as a matter of months, weeks or even days, you are helping others do the same. Or make your vegan clothing online store catch peoples attention with an exciting campaign. Maybe you want to become one of those famous cooks and I can support you on your journey. Or maybe you want to share tutorials and earn a little extra by ads that pop up on your vegan beauty blog.

I can´t read your mind, but as you´re still here, there is probably something in your mind. I have no idea what it is so tell me. Simply tell me about it and let´s make it happen. Contact me right here, right now.